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Single Molecule Workshop

3rd International Workshop on
"Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Ultrasensitive Analysis in the Life Sciences"

September 24 - 27, 1997 in Berlin, Germany

Image Single Molecule Workshop 1997


Detection and spectroscopy of single molecules has gained considerable interest in the life sciences over the recent years. With over 80 participants from all over the world the 3rd workshop on SMD was a great success. Groups including the world leaders in SMD presented their work in 25 talks and 12 posters. The list of speakers included top scientist such as the pioneers of SMD, Richard Keller (Los Alamos) and Rudolf Rigler (Stockholm). With the event we hope to have encouraged the exchange of knowledge between the experts in SMD, interested scientists from other fields and potential users from industry.

The workshop was sponsored by :

  • ALV GmbH
  • Boehringer Mannheim GmbH
  • Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH
  • PicoQuant GmbH
  • Schering AG

Invited speakers

  • Thomas Basche (München, Germany)
  • Richard Keller (Los Alamos, USA)
  • Katrin Kneipp, (MIT+Berlin,Germany)
  • Lyle Middendorf (LiCor Inc., USA)
  • Rudolf Rigler (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Claus Seidel (Göttingen, Germany)
  • Steven Soper (Baton Rouge, USA)
  • Jörg Wrachtrup (Chemnitz, Germany)


The program is still available for download:


The workshop on "Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Ultra Sensitive Analysis in the Life Sciences" is an annual event since 1995. To get an impression of our Single Molecule Workshops have a look at the video below.

For a summary of each year's event, please select the year from the list below.


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