More than 25 years of PicoQuant
Excellency in photonic components and instrumentation
"It has been an exciting and successful journey for us at PicoQuant. When we started in 1996, I could not imagine that we would – one day – be a company with globally over 125 employees. I am also very proud, that we are successfully making complex scientific applications accessible to researchers all over the world."
Rainer Erdmann
Managing Director and one of the company founders

How PicoQuant got started
PicoQuant was founded in 1996 by four young scientists and engineers who set themselves the goal to develop optical instrumentation designed by scientists for scientists. The company focused from the beginning on offering innovative and high quality products for international customers working as researchers in various scientific fields. By staying true to this standard, the company became world leader in the field of time-resolved optical measurements. The company’s product portfolio covers a broad range of products, instrumentation, and applications.
What customers say about PicoQuant
"PicoQuant significantly influenced (and still is) my scientific life - always a joy and highly reliable. Unforgettable are all the single-molecule workshops, I gave my first ever conference talk there as PhD, great memories. Looking forward for more to come."
September 2021
"[...] I look forward to another 25 years!"
September 2019
"I am glad that PicoQuant has reached a large international recognition for its technology and SERVICE. It was also a pleasure to suggest PicoQuant equipment for colleagues in Spain and around the world."
September 2021
"PicoQuant is a veritable success story – a model example how excellent high-end single-molecule spectroscopy and imaging products are developed to meet the requirements of their customers. "
September 2021
"All these years I have been by my side and have followed their growth and the creation of the company. This is the real life of real persons. Happy anniversary and wish you all new achievements."
September 2021
"Our MicroTime is working great, we are really happy! Still, we want more …"
March 2021
"Fantastic support. This is one of the main reasons for me to purchase PicoQuant equipment and recommend it to colleagues! Please keep this service always."
July 2019 & December 2020
"One of the things I really value about working with PicoQuant is the unique chance to discuss the science with you as experts and configure a microscope with the right abilities."
June 2019
"The [MicroTime 200] system is SUPER, very stable, robust, and easy to handle. Simply, I enjoy working on it."
December 2018
"The PicoHarp is the only instrument I never had problems with. […] 8 years later it is still true!"
2013 & 2021
"PicoQuant significantly influenced (and still is) my scientific life - always a joy and highly reliable. Unforgettable are all the single-molecule workshops, I gave my first ever conference talk there as PhD, great memories. Looking forward for more to come."
September 2021
"[...] I look forward to another 25 years!"
September 2019
"I am glad that Picoquant has reached a large international recognition for its Technology and SERVICE. It was also a pleasure to suggest Picoquant equipment’s for colleagues in Spain and around the World."
September 2021
"PicoQuant is a veritable success story – a model example how excellent high-end single-molecule spectroscopy and imaging products are developed to meet the requirements of their customers. "
September 2021
"All these years I have been by my side and have followed their growth and the creation of the company. This is the real life of real persons. Happy anniversary and wish you all new achievements."
September 2021
"Our MicroTime is working great, we are really happy! Still, we want more …"
March 2021
"Fantastic support. This is one of the main reasons for me to purchase PicoQuant equipment and recommend it to colleagues! Please keep this service always."
July 2019
"One of the things I really value about working with PicoQuant is the unique chance to discuss the science with you as experts and configure a microscope with the right abilities."
June 2019
"The [MicroTime 200] system is SUPER, very stable, robust, and easy to handle. Simply, I enjoy working on it."
December 2018
"The PicoHarp is the only instrument I never had problems with. […] 8 years later it is still true!"
2013 & 2021
What PicoQuant does for the scientific community
Workshop Celebration
Since 1995 there has been the annual Single Molecule Workshop, which brings together the top researchers in the field. PicoQuant continues for more than 25 years to encourage the exchange of knowledge with this event.
What PicoQuant stands for
Our mission: Making complex scientific methods accessible to a large group of researchers by developing and manufacturing high quality, reliable devices that are easy to use. Thus, we enable our society to solve the problems of tomorrow.
Encouraging and fostering the scientific development of young researchers is also a key philosophy of PicoQuant. The company awards several yearly prizes for young researchers. It also organizes annual training courses on time-resolved spectroscopy and microscopy, and the leading international workshop on single molecule detection. Furthermore, assuming social responsibility and commitment are a guiding principle at PicoQuant. The company financially supports multiple social, educational, and environmental projects every year.
What PicoQuant cares about
To celebrate the company’s 25th anniversary in 2021, PicoQuant decided to support three additional local projects that were suggested by its employees. One of the selected charities is "Strassenkinder e.V.", which fosters socially disadvantaged children through education and social participation. The company also supports an environmental project by "MoorFutures"; and the science education focused charity "Technische Jugendfreizeit- und Bildungsgesellschaft".

PicoQuant throughout the years
Our selected highlights from the company's history
Join us on a journey into the past with our highlights! We have selected a few milestones, achievements and events that showcase our continued commitment to providing excellency in photonic components and instrumentation as well as supporting the scientific community.