19th Single Molecule Workshop
19th International Workshop on
"Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Ultrasensitive Analysis in the Life Sciences"
September 4 - 6, 2013 in Berlin, Germany

The nineteenth International Workshop on Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Ultra Sensitive Analysis in the Life Sciences from September 4 to 6, 2013, organized by PicoQuant GmbH, brought together international top researchers in the field of ultrasensitive optical detection and single molecule spectroscopy and microscopy.
Nearly 100 participants enjoyed 37 highly up-to-date talks, including lectures given by renowned scientists. During two poster sessions with 36 scientific posters, participants discussed latest results. Informal gatherings during the reception and a dinner lead to fruitful discussions about new ideas, projects and new networks. In his concluding remarks, Don Lamb (LMU München, Germany) concluded that "the workshop has matured over the years and now has an excellent reputation." He pointed out that "the workshop has a comfortable size and gives students a chance to interact with experts in the field. Especially the students talks often prove to be very good as they are well prepared and include fresh data from the people that do actually collect the data". He finished by noting that "everyone should reserve the date for the anniversary workshop in 2014".
Invited speaker
- Mircea Cotlet (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
- William A. Eaton (NIH Bethesda, USA)
- Christian Eggeling (University of Oxford, UK)
- Fedor Jelezko (Ulm University, Germany)
- Don Lamb (LMU Munich, Germany)
- David Millar (The Scripps Research Institute, USA)
- Vahid Sandoghar (Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light, Germany)
- Jerker Widengren (KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
- Thorsten Wohland (NUS, Singapore)
Student award
PicoQuant especially wants to encourage young scientists. As expected from the previous years it proved extremely difficult for the jury to nominate the winner, since there were so many good contributions. In the end the price of 750 Euro was awarded to David Bauer (University of Oxford) who gave a talk on "Nanofluidics to Enhance Single Molecule DNA Imaging: Detecting Genomic Structural Variation in Humans".
The workshop on "Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Ultra Sensitive Analysis in the Life Sciences" is an annual event since 1995. To get an impression of our Single Molecule Workshops have a look at the video below and check our archive of past events.
Summaries and impressions of past workshops:
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