TCSPC and Time Tagging Electronics

5-year limited warranty PicoQuant offers several modules for Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC), Multi-Channel Scaling (MCS), coincidence correlations, or event timing with temporal resolutions between picoseconds and milliseconds. Single channel as well as multichannel versions with either USB or PCIe interface can be provided. All units work in the histogramming mode and offer two time tagging modes. Their high quality and reliability are expressed by a unique 5-year limited warranty. The following table lists the main differences:

  HydraHarp 400 MultiHarp 160 MultiHarp 150 PicoHarp 330 TimeHarp 260
Number of detection channels
besides common synch channel
2, 4, 6, or 8 16, 32, 48, or 64 4, 8, or 16 1, 2, 3 or 4 1 or 2
Minimum bin width 1 ps 5 ps 5 ps (P)
80 ps (N)
1 ps 25 ps (PICO)
250 ps (NANO)
Dead time < 80 ns < 0.65 ns < 0.65 ns < 0.68 ns < 25 ns (PICO)
2 ns (NANO)
Interface USB 3.0 USB 3.0,
USB 3.0 USB 3.0 PCIe 2.0 x1

PicoHarp 330 NEW

Precise and Versatile Event Timer & TCSPC Unit

  • Outstanding timing precision of 2 ps RMS for single channel, 3 ps RMS between channels
  • Cutting-edge time resolution of 1 ps
  • Choice of edge triggers or Constant Fraction Discriminators (CFD)
  • Ultrashort dead time of 680 ps, no dead time across channels
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PicoHarp 330 Precise and Versatile Event Timer & TCSPC Unit

HydraHarp 400 25 % off

Multichannel Picosecond Event Timer & TCSPC Module

  • Anniversary offer: 25% off on HydraHarp 400
  • Ships within 2 weeks
  • Up to 8 independent input channels and common sync channel (trigger rate up to 150 MHz)
  • 65536 histogram bins per channel, minimum width 1 ps
  • Time tagging with sustained count rates up to 40 Mcps
  • Drivers and Python wrapper snAPI for seamless communication, configuration, data handling, and custom programming
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HydraHarp 400 Multichannel Picosecond Event Timer & TCSPC Module

MultiHarp 160

Scalable Multichannel Event Timer & TCSPC Unit

  • Ships within 2 weeks
  • Up to 64 independent input channels with 5 ps base resolution
  • Ultrashort dead time (650 ps), no dead time across channels
  • Multifunctional on-board event filters
  • Drivers and Python wrapper snAPI for seamless communication, configuration, data handling and custom programming
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MultiHarp 160 Scalable Multichannel Event Timer & TCSPC Unit

MultiHarp 150

High-Throughput Multichannel Event Timer & TCSPC Unit

  • Ships within 2 weeks
  • 4, 8, or 16 independent input channels
  • Highest sustained data throughput (80 Mcps in time tagging mode, 180 Mcps in histogramming mode)
  • Ultrashort dead time (650 ps), no dead time across channels
  • Drivers and Python wrapper snAPI for seamless communication, configuration, data handling, and custom programming
  • Multifunctional on-board event filters for “P” versions
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MultiHarp 150 High-Throughput Multichannel Event Timer & TCSPC Unit

TimeHarp 260

TCSPC and MCS board with PCIe interface

  • Ships within two weeks
  • One or two independent input channels and common synch channel (up to 100 MHz)
  • Two models with either 25 ps (PICO model) or 250 ps (NANO model) base resolution
  • Ultra short dead time (< 25 ns for PICO model, < 2 ns for NANO model)
  • Python wrapper snAPI for seamless communication, configuration, and data handling (optional drivers needed)
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TimeHarp 260 TCSPC and MCS board with PCIe interface