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News and Press Releases

May 8, 2024

New PicoHarp 330: 4 channels. 4 more flexibility.

Unique flexibility broadens the scope of potential experiments

The PicoHarp 330 TCSPC and time tagging unit is now equipped with up to four detection channels and a dedicated sync channel with advanced channel configuration. The sync channel can be used as an additional detection channel if no synchronization signal is needed.

This enhancement not only broadens the scope of potential experiments but also significantly optimizes the efficiency of data collection in complex setups.

Key features include:

  • Enhanced Channel Configuration: The 4+1 channels allow researchers to conduct more complex and diverse experiments. This is especially beneficial in quantum optics experiments like Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), Quantum Entanglement and Bell Test Experiments.
  • Unmatched Low Jitter: Offering down to 2 ps RMS jitter, essential for accurate timing in QKD and photon correlation techniques.
  • Independet yet Synchronized Channels: Each channel operates independently but can synchronize with the others through a common sync channel, providing flexibility in experimental setups. If synchronization is not required, the sync input can serve as an additional detection channel, ideal for coincidence correlation or counting experiments with up to five channels.

Explore how the new PicoHarp 330 can transform your research with its cutting-edge technology designed to meet the demanding requirements of modern scientific exploration.

Read more on the product page >

New PicoHarp 330: 4 channels. 4 more flexibility.

May 6, 2024

Registration is open: Course on Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy

A dynamic mix of lectures and hands-on sessions

The registration for our 20th International Course on "Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy" taking place November 12 – 15, 2024 in Berlin, Germany is now open.

Our course is aimed at students and researchers who are interested in getting deeper insights into various spectroscopy and microscopy techniques, which are based on time-resolved fluorescence. The course is also a great opportunity to directly interact with renowned specialists as well as for networking with your peers. 

All details on the course website >

Registration is open: Course on Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy

April 29, 2024

Call for papers: Single Molecule Workshop in Berlin

Exchanging ideas and results in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, life and materials science

Registration is open for PicoQuant's annual Single Molecule Workshop. The event provides an interdisciplinary platform for exchanging ideas and recent results between researchers and professionals working in the field of Single Molecule Spectroscopy.

Join us for an exciting and stimulating conference by either giving a talk, presenting a poster, or without any presentation. As always, we will be awarding a "Best Student Talk" prize worth 750 Euro.

More info >

Call for papers: Single Molecule Workshop in Berlin

April 18, 2024

New development enables rapid 3D FLIM imaging in living organoids

Combining single objective light-sheet microscopy with pulsed excitation and time-resolved SPAD array detection

Using a self-developed single objective light-sheet microscopy set-up, Valentin Dunsing-Eichenauer from Aix-Marseille Université & CNRS, Johan Hummert from PicoQuant, Ivan Michel Antolović from Pi Imaging Technology, and colleagues show lifetime-based multiplexing in 3D as well as time-lapse FLIM of mechanosensitive tension probes at record speed in living embryonic organoids. The set-up is based on pulsed excitation using a high power laser prototype and time-resolved detection on a newly available SPAD array detector.

Confocal FLIM is a popular tool for multiplexing and functional imaging of sensor fluorophores, but it is limited with regard to acquisition speed of large samples and live cell compatibility. Light-sheet microscopy, on the other hand, allows for fast and gentle imaging of large specimen. Combining both techniques opens new possibilities for fast volumetric FLIM.

Read the paper at bioRxiv >

New development enables rapid 3D FLIM imaging in living organoids

April 4, 2024

Enhanced synchronization capabilities with White Rabbit interface

Available for our multichannel event timers MultiHarp 150 and MultiHarp 160

The White Rabbit interface offers precise synchronization and timestamping for two separate time taggers with multiple channels. This ensures accurate time correlation between multiple devices or even different experiments, without cumbersome postprocessing. Amongst other applications, this is particularly relevant for quantum cryptography experiments.

PicoQuant's new Python wrapper snAPI allows you to easily implement White Rabbit into your experiments, enabling the simultaneous measurement initiation of two devices with predefinable measurement times. This ensures precise and reliable data acquisition, further streamlining synchronization capabilities across various applications.

White Rabbit interfaces are available with our MultiHarp 150 and MultiHarp 160 multichannel event timers.

Picture: Example of a network topology. The green bubbles stand for a MultiHarp 150 or MultiHarp 160 device. The blue bubbles represent the White Rabbit switches. 

Enhanced synchronization capabilities with White Rabbit interface