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News and Press Releases

September 11, 2019

Congratulations to the winners of the student award 2019

The prize was awarded during PicoQuant's 25th anniversary single molecule workshop

A core aspect of the Single Molecule Workshop is fostering young researchers. To achieve this goal, PicoQuant provides PhD and undergraduate students the opportunity to present their work in front of an international audience and honors the best presentation with a student award. Selecting a single winner from this year’s outstanding 15 contributions proved to be so challenging that the jury decided to nominate three winners. The 1500 Euro prize was split between Arindam Ghosh (University of Göttingen, Germany) for his talk on “graphene based metal induced energy transfer for sub-nanometer optical localization”,  Kristyna Holanova (Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the CAS, Czech Republic) for her work on “revealing single-protein function by high-speed tracking of individual domains”, and Tim Schröder (University of Munich, Germany) for his presentation on “following the fate of excitions in multi-chromophoric nanoparticles”. We thank all participating students for presenting such excellent talks. Congratulations to the the winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the student award 2019

August 21, 2019

PicoQuant invites the public to an Open Afternoon

We celebrate the 25th anniversary of our Single Molecule Workshop

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of our Single Molecule Workshop, we invite the public to join us for free on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 for one afternoon. The special highlight of this Open Afternoon is a keynote lecture by Nobel laureate Stefan W. Hell entitled “Optical microscopy: the resolution revolution”.

The Open Afternoon program includes two sessions featuring talks by reknowned scientists as well as a poster session along with a product presentation from PicoQuant.

Registration deadline is August 30, 2019.

Register now

Event Website: www.single-molecules.org

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PicoQuant invites the public to an Open Afternoon

August 15, 2019

PicoQuant celebrates 25 years of Single Molecule Workshop

This years edition of the workshop hosts an impressive line-up of renowned speakers, including two Nobel prize laureates

This year marks the 25th anniversary of PicoQuant’s annual workshop on “Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Super-resolution Microscopy in the Life Sciences”. The celebratory event, taking place in Berlin from September 3 to 6, 2019, features talks by some of the most renowned and inspiring scientists from the field of single molecule research. Four keynote lectures will be held by Nobel laureates Stefan Hell (Max-Plank-Institute, Germany) and W. E. Moerner (Stanford University, USA) as well as by Xiaoliang Sunney Xie (Harvard University, USA and Peking University, China) and Toshio Yanagida (Osaka University, Japan).

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PicoQuant celebrates 25 years of Single Molecule Workshop

July 29, 2019

Caroline Berlage, a student at PicoQuant, wins Physik-Studienpreis by the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin

The prize was awarded for her outstanding master’s degree in Physics

Caroline Berlage, a former student at PicoQuant, is one of this year’s winners of the prestigious Physik-Studienpreis awarded by the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Caroline studied Physics at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and carried out the experimental work for her master's thesis from 2016 to 2019 at PicoQuant as well as the laboratory of Prof. Oliver Benson. PicoQuant supported Caroline during her master studies with a “Deutschlandstipendium” scholarship. Upon hearing of the jury’s decision, Caroline said: “I’m very happy to receive this honor and I’m grateful to PicoQuant for their ongoing support during my studies. Working at PicoQuant for my master’s thesis gave me the opportunity to gain insights not only into scientific research but also to learn about industrial R&D.” The prizes, sponsored by the Siemens AG, were awarded on July 11, 2019 during an open ceremony at the Magnus-Haus in Berlin.

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Caroline Berlage, a student at PicoQuant, wins Physik-Studienpreis  by the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin