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Fast and Qualified Support

PicoQuant is known for a fast and qualified support to its customers. We will help you with all your requests related to the usage of our instruments or our software as quickly as possible. We offer different contact forms - through a support request, via email, by phone, or on our dedicated wiki.

Support via Email

You can of course also contact us via email at support@picoquant.com or via phone at +49-30-1208820-88 to get support. When sending an email, please consider the following items, which will speed up the processing of your support request:

  • please do not reply to some old email discussion, but start a new email
  • please send raw-data files (if possible), instead of screenshots or any other self-made presentation
  • please try to supply all meaningful settings that are necessary to reproduce the measurement or problem
  • please include useful information such as the system serial number and the group you are working with

Time-Resolved Fluorescence Wiki

PicoQuant hosts a time-resolved fluorescence wiki at http://www.tcspc.com. This wiki is a loose collection of documents that the Support team of PicoQuant found to be of general interest to our customers or people working with time-resolved fluorescence or TCSPC in general.

TRF Wiki

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